Monday, September 17, 2012

Magic #5

Is this going to be our year RedLegs? Cincinnati has been painting the town Red all year long! Even the non baseball fans seem to be catching the fever. After such a long drought since the Big Red Machine, 2010 brought us so much hope and wonder. I was at that game. Bruce with the walk off. People that didn't even know one another embracing with excitement. Our city was finally back on the map and our boys were our heroes. Then after the dismal, short lived play-off appearance, the 2011 season left us scratching our heads. Now here we are again on the eve of another clinching performance. A new year and new magic number: Magic Number 5!

Not only is the number magic, but this team seems to be magical. In the toughest games, they find a way to dig out and get a win. They even get wins with rookies and when the odds are against them with arguably their best players benched here and there and sometimes for long periods of time, in the case of Joey Votto. They are a team built of Ludwick's and Frazier's, Heisey's and Phillips', Cuban Missiles and Cy Young hopefuls. Everyone has stepped up and everyone has scratched and clawed to get to the top and stay at the top. This team is passionate, they are go-getters, they are one, and they are willing to do what it takes to bring a victory to Cincinnati. This team is different. They are hungry. And their magic night is just 5 games away.

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